Despondency | Teen Ink


March 13, 2014
By Dariann SILVER, Marion, Indiana
Dariann SILVER, Marion, Indiana
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If you want to truly understand something, try to change it.&quot;<br /> -Kurt Lewin

With your eyes ablaze, a passionate fire
Life itself goes on hold, and time, it stops
Suddenly driven by intense desire
I see you, and sparks fly as the fire pops
I’d ask you to lead me away in the night
Forget all the troubles that thrive in life
If you told me to leave, maybe I might
Adrenaline at the sight of a knife
Cut away the ribbons that bind my pain
Can you make me forget all the bad things?
Tonight, just tonight, I’ll be yours again
My heart is yours, on my necklace it hangs

I’ve forgotten love, I’ve forgotten you
Now do you see what you have led me to?

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