'Neath Starry Skies | Teen Ink

'Neath Starry Skies

March 9, 2014
By madelinedaily BRONZE, Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin
madelinedaily BRONZE, Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Anything is possible with sunshine and a little pink." ~Lilly Pulitzer

‘Neath starry skies I lay and reminisce
I feel his arms wrapped ‘round me warm and tight
There still upon my lips his golden kiss
One fateful night I wish I could rewrite

‘Neath starry skies I lay and think of him
A soft and gentle breeze that brushes by
I wished he’d kiss me, lips I’d purse and prim
My wish he sadly said, “I can’t comply.”

‘Neath starry skies I lay and plan revenge
I loved his heart yet his did not love mine
That night I planned he’d feel a sudden twinge
My soul turned love to hateful from benign

A knock across the head with one strong girder
Now gone, he was my love, and then my murder

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