Haze. | Teen Ink


September 29, 2013
By Anonymous

the windowsill in the bathroom
that’s where you always kept it
the life we used to have?
that windowsill wrecked it
I was 5 when i first saw it
young and naive
you said it was nothing
but i didn’t believe
so i got curious
I would hold it and play with it
and as i grew
i would smoke it and put it back
but you always knew
something i didn’t know
didn’t you?
you knew the problems it caused
families it tore apart
only 10 years old
my stupidity was off the charts
i didn’t know what i was doing
addiction sparked with a little gleam
just a kid yourself
you were still in your teens
just children, together we learned and grew
we made our mistakes
but yours really shined through
you let me do things that i shouldn’t do
and that’s the reason i stand here and scream
you ruined your kids
you tore us apart
you made an addiction
and took it to heart
call yourself a mom, you dont even know the half
life used to be heaven now it’s left pitch black
I pulled myself out, im clean
the stronger of us 2 ill always be
just an imposter of a mother you lead me astray
untouched, in the windowsill of the bathroom
and that’s where it’ll stay

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