Every moment Counts | Teen Ink

Every moment Counts

December 12, 2012
By Carey_Behm7 BRONZE, Brockwell, Arkansas
Carey_Behm7 BRONZE, Brockwell, Arkansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every single day is a new day.
Live every day like it is your last.
Just stop and smell the flowers on your way.
Your life does not have to go by so fast.
Some people live their lives in depression,
But happiness is the road to follow.
Depression should not be an obsession,
So try to let the bad emotions go.
Life's like a song we've heard too many times.
Sometimes it seems like it couldn't get worse.
Forget the chorus and add some new rhymes.
To make the song better, write your own verse.
Our lives should never have to be so grim,
So always remember...carpe diem.

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