Piano: A Dear Friend | Teen Ink

Piano: A Dear Friend

May 27, 2012
By Anashayy BRONZE, Hayward, California
Anashayy BRONZE, Hayward, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The days you lay in bed crying because of yourself are days worth remembering. So, you can learn a lesson.

You carried my emotions from the start
Each emotion bound in the small black note
Each one coming straight from my chilly heart
The music you make is my antidote
Through the preludes my comfort softly lay
By way of mazurkas my soul does fly
But to divulge you must learn how to play
Although learning is not a piece of pie
Piano brings emotions around town
You have the power to bring my heart up
Or throw me on the floor and beat me down
There are hard times when I just want to cup
My hands in my face and rock back and forth
And think Piano is a friend of worth

The author's comments:
This is my poem about my piano. There was an assignment for English to write our original sonnets, so I took it overboard and wrote over 10 sonnets. This is by far, my favorite because it is one hundred percent absolutely and completely true. Enjoy, loves

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