Lost Home Town Anthem | Teen Ink

Lost Home Town Anthem

March 18, 2012
By Katherine Perez BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Katherine Perez BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I do hear all of these songs sung to me,
And as these songs whisper in my ear I
Think of you and then that soft melody.
But a tear drops down my cheek from my eye.
Seeing you one time every lonely year.
I walk around a happy face painted.
Its not because you have deep secret fears.
Or that this true love is unacquainted
Its that I no longer live with you but,
Instead must live in a far away place.
Dreaming only of you my eyes so tight closed.
Hearing our anthem again by that band.

You're so far away a trure love of me.
A place that I greatly dear, my home town.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this sonnet for a class project after hearing a song my cousin had suggested at the time. I knew that I could turn the meaning of the song into a poem that might mean something to someone out there.

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