Trust Issues | Teen Ink

Trust Issues

January 20, 2012
By LadyMoon DIAMOND, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
LadyMoon DIAMOND, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
54 articles 0 photos 23 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm so weird I'm normal
-Khalil, a friend

One asks for trust, but trust is hard to give
A perfect person, but still something lacks
They make mistakes, but still I must forgive
I need hope to fill all the broken cracks
To be cherished is not always pleasant
When the one who cherishes you is wrong
They said their heart's for you, but it wasn't
They let the betrayal simmer too long
Filling an empty heart, may be too hard
At times you might want to stop and give up
But take this, the silent broken up shard
Put a smile on this face, lift the girl up
To rid this empty world of saddened tears
Put this girl to rest, take away her fears

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