Aged gracefully | Teen Ink

Aged gracefully

July 3, 2024
By Yukiii BRONZE, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Yukiii BRONZE, Winnipeg, Manitoba
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Thy is now a withered old fool.

Thou filthy foul soul wouldst amaze young lass.

But how wilt those fair creatures empathy thy.

For bootless like a toad, ugly and poisonous.

By Jove the durst onion-eye!

Cease to cry thy tears o’a clown.

Thine obnoxious flesh shall fear age not. One can never escape the time-lord’s mischief.

Yet Barnacles doth erased dead man’s lies.

Poppies art still as crimson as fresh.

Be Prosperous in thy dwelling place.

And teach them how to live.

Pray those gibberish block ye mighty mind not,

Fare-thee-well is all I bid to thee.

The author's comments:

I’ve been interested in William Shakespeare for quite a long time. And I always love the term ‘aged gracefully’. I wish I could proudly say that I did ‘aged gracefully’ when I’m old. Tonight I suddenly felt like finishing this sonnets. (Last year I wrote nine lines). I can’t say it’s a perfect Shakespearean sonnet style but it’s really stylish and I love it.

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