The Girl | Teen Ink

The Girl

January 17, 2019
By emckay3283 BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
emckay3283 BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She laughed repeatedly; she smiled wide

her teeth so white, her smile so big, so bright

so immense, so wide, so full of pride

the colors of her lips so light.

Her eyes, deep blue, as if they were the ocean

I look into them ,deep, deeper, deeper.

They move so smooth as if in slow motion

looking into them puts me to sleep.

Her hair so long, blond and gold

full of smoothness; full of shine.

The silk and shine cause a look so bold

I want to play with it; for it is mine.

I have a great, very great girl; beautiful.

To marry her; keep her mine; is my goal.

The author's comments:

This is written in the perspective of a boy talking about a girl he wants to marry. 

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