i'm crazy, but you made me | Teen Ink

i'm crazy, but you made me

June 14, 2014
By Anonymous

im crazy, cause you're the one who made me.
i dont see why you do this and think everything is just fine.
nothing is okay anymore, of course you wouldnt know that.
please take a seat, not with her on your lap but just listen.
the back of your porch was dark and silent with the smell of her perfume scent through your shirt makes me wonder why i am crazy,but then i realize you're the one that made me.
you always told me that im crazy..
but i guess that im crazy since you made me.

The author's comments:
a song, my ex and life..

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on Jun. 25 2014 at 7:38 pm
bella-nielsen GOLD, Marshall, Minnesota
13 articles 27 photos 28 comments

Favorite Quote:
"autism isn't contagious, but a smile is and that's what im afraid of."-grumpy cat

wow. i can sooooo relate