Love Gone Wrong | Teen Ink

Love Gone Wrong

May 29, 2014
By Anonymous

For my revenge
There's never an end
Better watch out break my heart
Or I will throw a dart

When you look at me, I see those eyes
They're so sweet, it's hard to say good bye
The times we had, they went so fast
In just a blink, they're now the past

For my revenge
There's never an end
Better watch out don't break my heart
Or I will throw a dart

A time to relax also to break down
A time to sing and not to frown
Now time to put these thoughts away
And gather my strength all the way

For my revenge
There's never an end
Don't break my heart
I don't want to throw you a dart

A time to regret what we did
The love we had, for fright we had
A time to love and not for hate
I hope it's not too late.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 8 2014 at 12:33 am
AChickCalledEly PLATINUM, Raleigh, North Carolina
32 articles 0 photos 6 comments
WOW you got this whole 'Before He Cheats' vibe goin on...I kinda like it . :)