Mind's Eye | Teen Ink

Mind's Eye

April 6, 2014
By Anonymous

In my mind's eye
You're Adonis
I could be

In my mind's eye
I'm like Pocahontas
I see the mysteries
You bring

Every time you're talking to me
And you're eyes light up
I remember the reason
I can't give up
On you

Every time I'm talking to you
Something changes in your face
There's a light I never saw before
And I can't replace
There's a shock to my heart
When I know that I've started
To see
You in my mind's eye
My mind's eye
My mind's eye
You're different to me

Day by day
You bring the light
Back into my life

It's hard to think
Without you
Somehow I used to
Get by

Every time you're talking to me
And your eyes light up
I remember the reason
I can't give up
On you

Every time you're talking to me
Something changes in your face
There's a light I never saw before
And I can't replace
There's a shock to my heart
When I know that I've started
To see
You in my mind's eye
My mind's eye
My mind's eye
You're different to me

Every time you have to tell me
About your favorite things
It makes me want to laugh, cry,
Makes me want to sing
Because I know it's true
I know it's true with you
I'm falling of for you

Every time I'm talking to you
And you're eyes light up
I remember the reason
I can't give up
On you

Every time you're talking to me
Something changes in your face
There's a light I never saw before
And I can't replace
There's a shock to my heart
When I know that I've started
To see
You in my mind's eye
My mind's eye
My mind's eye
You're different to me

The author's comments:
This piece is about how different someone can look when you know them really well. When you start to really care for someone they just...change. Inside and out. This is about that transformation.

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This article has 1 comment.

Nobuo GOLD said...
on Apr. 9 2014 at 8:26 pm
Nobuo GOLD, Dio, Missouri
16 articles 1 photo 65 comments

Favorite Quote:

this is like something i'd write, terrific