Foolish Dreaming | Teen Ink

Foolish Dreaming

February 7, 2014
By ForeverAvailable SILVER, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania
ForeverAvailable SILVER, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Keep your hopes up high and your head down low" ADTR

So close, yet so far away
you're just out of my reach dear
I wish that I could feel your touch
The days so long have passed me by
When you weren't here I died inside
I fell... and I broke

But times have changed and so have I
Now you're here, I feel safe inside

I'm falling down
down down down
but I don't think I'll ever reach the ground
I'll stay forever falling

I'll hope this feeling never fades away
I'm here to stay
Maybe I sound to cliché
when I say I miss you
honestly, I said I'd never leave
I never will

I'm falling down
down down down
but I don't think I'll ever reach the ground
I'll stay forever falling

I imagine holding you right now
feeling your touch
Maybe I dream foolishly
but can you blame me
honestly, you make me smile

I'm falling down
down down down
but I don't think I'll ever reach the ground
I'll stay forever falling

Ohh I'm falling down
Down, down down
But I don't think I'll ever reach the ground
Ground, ground, ground
I'll stay forever falling
In hopes you're falling too

So close,
yet so far away you're just out of my reach

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