Be There | Teen Ink

Be There

January 8, 2014
By sarahcarp63 DIAMOND, Denver, Colorado
sarahcarp63 DIAMOND, Denver, Colorado
51 articles 2 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
'The really important people in life have a way of coming back to you'
'Good enough isn't good enough'
'You don't have to be sick to get better'
'Come what may and love it'

I've spending too much time
Fighting myself and my thoughts
I've been battling back and forth
These selfish wants
Demons and monsters trying to tie me down
Choking my hopes and they make me drown
I see all my faults

I'm screaming
You don't know why
But I'm feeling
Half alive
Can you hear me
If I yell out louder
You'll find the power
To fix what's inside

I was just wondering if
Even when I have my worse day
And nothing's goin the right way
If you'll still be standing there
When everything isn't okay
And I try to push you away
Tell me you ain't going nowhere
I know I'm not being fair
Just promise me you'll be there

Spent my time in the corner in
Old oversized t-shirts
Been moody and angry
But that's just how I show I'm hurt
Skeletons in my closet are weighing on my mind
These evil things make me mighty unkind
Just apologize first

I'm screaming
You don't know why
But I'm feeling
Half alive
Can you hear me
If I yell out louder
You'll find the power
To fix what's inside

I was just wondering if
Even when I have my worse day
And nothing's goin the right way
If you'll still be standing there
When everything isn't okay
And I try to push you away
Tell me you ain't going nowhere
I know I'm not being fair
Just promise me you'll be there

I'm screaming
You don't know why
But I'm feeling
Half alive
Can you hear me?

Even when I have my worse day
And nothing's goin the right way
If you'll still be standing there
When everything isn't okay
And I try to push you away
Tell me you ain't going nowhere
I know I'm not being fair
Just promise me you'll be there

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