My Life Part 2 | Teen Ink

My Life Part 2

March 20, 2013
By Anonymous

Day in and day out he was all that I feared when my mom would smile all he’d do was sneer. He knew her smile wouldn’t last once he downed a few beers. He forgot who she was. Her screams didn’t phase him I panicked I thought he was going to break every limb. So I jumped on his back hoping to create the perfect attack but he just threw me away with a snap. To him we were trash, so why did he stay? I guess he loved being the predator and couldn’t give up his prey. When beer wasn’t enough drugs became his new love. Beatings were worse he was having so much fun, not worrying about what was right and what was wrong. My mom said she loved him and turned away from anyone who accused him. I’m supposed to believe this is love? Screaming, bruises, beer, and drugs? Funny I thought you were supposed to be my teacher but all you’re teaching me is to live in fear. It’s ok for a man to hit me and create my tears.

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True Story

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