A Love Unnoticed | Teen Ink

A Love Unnoticed

November 15, 2012
By Kris10C SILVER, Haltom City, Texas
Kris10C SILVER, Haltom City, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

What if I were to tell you...my favorite color is green?
What would you do...if I told you my hopes and dreams?
If I told you my biggest fear was to be alone, how would you react?
And what would think if I revealed my addiction was your laugh?
Would you see me differently...if I told you my past?
Do you think you could believe me if I promised to love you till the very last?
How would you feel if I fell asleep in your arms?
Did you know that I would give anything to possess your charm?
And could you guess that when you smile, the rest of the world fades?
I bet you didn't know that when you look in my eyes, a piece of my heart breaks.
Did you ever think that without you my life would consist of grey, white, and black?
And if I ever got the courage to tell you I love you...would you say it back?
Of all my questions, most important is this:
Even if I gave you this poem, would you notice I exist?

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem for a boy that I could never bring myself to talk to.

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