To My Birth Mom | Teen Ink

To My Birth Mom

August 9, 2012
By Special-Ice-Apples GOLD, Pinedale, Arizona
Special-Ice-Apples GOLD, Pinedale, Arizona
15 articles 0 photos 34 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love is just a word until someone special comes along and gives it a meaning."

"I love walking in the rain, 'cause then no one can tell I'm crying."

"Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain."

I’ve never met you

Oh, but I want to

You gave me up when I was small

Was it a good thing, after all?

Do I ever cross your mind?

Do you look in the mirror at your eyes and see mine?

Was I not the one you wanted?

Did you want someone else?

Immediately you said, “Someone else can have her”

And I wish I could remember

If you told me, “I love you”

If you said that you’d be true

Even if I remembered you lying

At least now, on the inside, I wouldn’t be dying

Now here I am with nothing left of you

Except a picture, a letter, and a teddy bear so cute

I wonder if you ever thought back to the day

You held your baby girl in your arms and swayed

Do you remember the baby with black hair and blue eyes?

The little girl who deafened you with her cries

You remember the little girl who would have called you mommy?

That little girl was me

The author's comments:
I'm adopted and this is to you,mom,wherever and whoever you are.

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This article has 3 comments.

on Mar. 16 2013 at 7:52 pm
IndigoElisabeth SILVER, Woodbury, New Jersey
5 articles 1 photo 171 comments

Favorite Quote:
John 1:1

This is so amazing. I loved it!

on Sep. 18 2012 at 2:29 pm
Special-Ice-Apples GOLD, Pinedale, Arizona
15 articles 0 photos 34 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love is just a word until someone special comes along and gives it a meaning."

"I love walking in the rain, 'cause then no one can tell I'm crying."

"Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain."

Thanks, Alice! That's so sweet of you.

on Sep. 12 2012 at 8:47 pm
AliceForever BRONZE, Someplace, Wisconsin
1 article 6 photos 36 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes it takes a crazy person to see the truth. If so, I'm a freaking lunatic."- Stephen Colbert

"YOU CAN'T STOP THIS TRAIN!" My friend and illustrator, CK

That... Was beautiful...