When I Called | Teen Ink

When I Called

March 28, 2012
By sam.like.woah. SILVER, Stafford, Virginia
sam.like.woah. SILVER, Stafford, Virginia
9 articles 2 photos 0 comments

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I believe that no matter what, people should be who they are. No body has the right to judge someone else for something they cant help. If you feel the need to judge or change someone, start with yourself.

Saturday I called,
but you’re never home.
You say you were busy,
and couldn’t see me.
What am I doing now?

I made up my plans to come see you.
But since you didn’t show up,
my plans all went wrong.
What should I do now?

Sunday I called,
and you still didn’t pick up.
You had an occasion,
that’s what you told me?
What’s happening to us?

I made up my plans to come see you.
But since you didn’t show up,
my plans all went wrong.
What should I do now?

Monday I called,
and you finally picked up.
I told you it was over,
you didn’t care much,
cause you were with another girl…

The author's comments:
This poem wasn't really inspired by anyone, more of, trying to relate to a friend's situation. I had a really good friend of mine that was cheated on, and I thought to myself that I basically write about love or heartbreak, maybe I should write on something more broad that happens commonly.

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