Never Again | Teen Ink

Never Again

March 26, 2012
By shelbytakespix BRONZE, Ghjkl;, Florida
shelbytakespix BRONZE, Ghjkl;, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." -FDR
"The sun'll come out tomorrow..." -Annie

Pushing away all the signs,
Now you’re gone and I can’t reread them.
Every day new faces,
And every single one reflects yours.

Every day I think of what we could have been and what we weren’t;
Never again.
Never going to see you look at me that way with those eyes of yours;
Never again.

Today a brand new girl lies in your arms and she isn’t me,
Do I even cross your mind at every single second of the day like your cross mine?

Every day I think of what we could have been and what we weren’t;
Never again.
Never going to see you look at me that way with those eyes of yours;
Never, never.

Do you even remember my name?
Do I have to remind you again?
Should have read between the lines;
Should have read the traffic signs…

Every day I think of what we could have been and what we weren’t;
Never again.
Never going to see you look at me that way with those eyes of yours;
Never again.
Every day I think of what we could have been and what we weren’t;
Never again.
Never going to see you look at me that way with those eyes of yours;
Never again.

The author's comments:
Wrote this years ago and wanted to get something posted on here.

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