A Song For The Papers | Teen Ink

A Song For The Papers

March 7, 2011
By Lil_Trixta29 BRONZE, Purvis, Mississippi
Lil_Trixta29 BRONZE, Purvis, Mississippi
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can never achieve victory if victory is not present.

Many people think that they know pain
I have seen blood on a bed and it left a big stain
It is not about what you have heard
It is about what you have seen and felt
My life is an ice cube add heat and it melts
I can’t believe it my life is falling apart in front of my eyes
I have heard so many people’s cries
That I’ve
Fell down to my knees and begged to see better days
No matter what I do, I just cannot look away
People say that they are doing well but they are doing bad
Stuff like that makes me mad
Now I am about to go insane
My life is something that you cannot gain
It is something that you lose
My life is a mystery; I am the detective with no clues
Therefore, I will have to pay my dues
This song is just how I feel
Moreover, my mind is set on kill
My heart is set on stop and think about it
This is baseball, but you cannot catch life in a mitt
When I was little, I threw many fits
My life has been hiding in the shade too bad because it never really fades
I am also getting paid minimal wage
Rappers are not born they are made
When I need help I almost never got medical aid
I never even got a chance to step on the stage
I am so wise my middle name should be sage
But guess what it’s not
My life is so hot, kind of like being shot
Nobody has seen everything
I wish I could see everything
I did not see what happened to the people in Haiti
I treat this song as if this song was my baby
No, I did not kill that lady
Go ahead and call me crazy
You can try to call me lazy
Go to your funeral and leave a daisy

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This article has 1 comment.

Duane BRONZE said...
on Apr. 11 2011 at 10:01 am
Duane BRONZE, Wathena, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
What comes around goes around

great poem though it reminds me of my best friends getting shot but it is one of the best poems I have read in 2 years