broken dreams | Teen Ink

broken dreams

January 6, 2011
By LadyMoon DIAMOND, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
LadyMoon DIAMOND, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
54 articles 0 photos 23 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm so weird I'm normal
-Khalil, a friend

i would like to cry
spending every night
thinking of youu
i laugh at myself every time
that i remember your jokes
your face, your love
and then the tears start to come
Cause i realize
that i'm all alone tonight
and that only means one thiing
That I've lost you
and i can't bring you back
everytime time that i see you my heart starts to crack
into pieces, tossed into the wind
baby i love you but i don't know to begiin
and I'm helpless, drowning
and my heart keeps on pounding
when my eyes meet your eyes
baby can't you realize
just how much i love youuu

It seems every day
I'm alone
Totally lost with nowhere to go
And when i see you
laughing with herrr
I feel like I'm dying
I can't stop crying
Cause I realize
I'll be alone tonight
and that only means one thiing
That I've lost you
and I can't bring you back
every time that i see you my heart starts to crack
into pieces, tossed into the wind
baby i love you but i dont know how to begiin
And I'm hepless, drowning
and my heart keeps on pounding
when my eyes meet your eyes
baby can't you realize
just how much I love youu

tossed broken dreams on the floor
i used to love but I can't no more
It used to be a fairy tale
kissing you in the stairwell
of the school
but i see that I was nothing but a lOVESICK FOOOL!

Cause i realize
i'm all alone tonight
and that could only mean one THIING
(raised voice)
that I still love you, but I'm gonna move on
my dreams are broken but they're far from being gone
It was nice to be your princess ,you were a wondeful prince
but your soft kisses I'll no longer

Cuase these broken dreeeams
have found their wiings
and now they're flying away fast
to find the love that will always last

I won't be no...i'll find another fairytale that will come truue..
Dont't worry girl...youll find the one (soft laugh)
(soft singing)ohh yeah, yeah, yeah,yeah, yeah, yeah...(music ends)

The author's comments:
"Just something i thought off the top of my head..not very good, but I' m working on it. I would love some feedback (good or bad). Thnx 4 reading!! :]"

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jul. 24 2011 at 5:05 pm
LadyMoon DIAMOND, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
54 articles 0 photos 23 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm so weird I'm normal
-Khalil, a friend

Thx :) I'll be sure to check out some of your work too

on Jul. 24 2011 at 4:48 pm
trampledsun_ BRONZE, Bristol, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whatever happens, happens. If you waste your time clinging to the past, your whole life will revolve around a figment of days gone by.

This is longer than any song I have ever written..And it's really good.