Mr. Sweet | Teen Ink

Mr. Sweet

May 24, 2010
By MidoriMeanders SILVER, Canoga Park, California
MidoriMeanders SILVER, Canoga Park, California
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments

You are the doodles that I draw when inspired
You are my wish on dandelions
I try and fail to keep from smiling
'Cause you make me feel like I'm high-flyin'

Mr. Sweet, give me something to complain about you
Oh, Mr. Sweet, 'cause I am walkin' on the water, yes-- the dew
That I shed from my eyes when you flashed me that smile
Oh, Mr. Sweet, I like you

I let my childish imagination run wild
I let it swim with crocodiles
The helicopters soar above my head
They pick me up and take me to where we first met

I am nothin' without that thing that you do
You bring the corners of your mouth across that beauty called your face
It truly is a masterpiece, these butterflies will never cease
We're together, hey, hey

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