Waiting For You | Teen Ink

Waiting For You

June 6, 2010
By Audii BRONZE, Xxxxxxxxxxx, Virginia
Audii BRONZE, Xxxxxxxxxxx, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

- My heart beats slower,
Than it did yesterday.
And my life feels useless,
With you away.
So tell me (tell me)
How I’m supposes to move on
With you gone?
Chorus: with you gone I feel like I’m alone.
Like I’m wait on something that’s done came and gone.
I just stuck here wondering what went wrong.
Baby tell me
Where have you gone?
I’m standing here waiting for you. -----------
I’m waiting for you (oooh oooh)
Waiting for you
-Day by day I think of you
It’s like an addiction
you’re a drug to me
I just get enough
so you need to be with
So tell me (tell me)
How am I supposes to get over you
And move on?
Chorus: with you gone I feel like I’m alone.
Like I’m wait on something that’s done came and gone!
I just stuck here wondering
Baby what went wrong!
Baby, tell me!
Where have you gone?
I’m standing here waiting for you. -----------/
I’m waiting for you (oooh oooh)
Waiting for you
Yeah I’m waiting for you!
I’m waiting
I’m waiting!
For you
Baby tell me (tell me)
I’m waiting for you!
Oooh! Yeah!
Yes I’m waiting for you. -----------------
They keep on tell me just let it go
But tell how do I let you go?
So I’m just going at wait for you.
I’m just waiting for you.____________ .

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