Leave It Up To Me | Teen Ink

Leave It Up To Me

December 21, 2009
By Cheyenne ELITE, Hephzibah, Georgia
Cheyenne ELITE, Hephzibah, Georgia
112 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
-The brightest future will always be based on the forgotten past
- It takes who you are and where you've been to make the person you are today
-As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person
-To learn to succeed, you must first learn to fail

I know you see
Some how the world will change for me
It's time to shine
In this dark world we live in
It's all for real
I'm telling you just how I feel

It's all up to me
Don't worry
Leave it up to me
I'll get you through misery

The good life
Clean air
I'll do my best to take you there
'Cause it's paradise
So wake up
'Cause we're the members of this nation
It's our time to be free
'Cause this is the U.S.A.
There's no chance unless we take one
And see the brighter side of every situation

It's all up to me
Don't worry
It's all up to me
Don't worry
Leave it up to me
I'll get you through misery

Leave it up to me
Leave it up to me
Leave it up to me
Leave it up to me

The author's comments:
I wrote this song about kids in other countries that aren't free and their parents try their best to come to the U.S. to make a better life for their child.

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