Disappearing | Teen Ink


December 20, 2009
By Cheyenne ELITE, Hephzibah, Georgia
Cheyenne ELITE, Hephzibah, Georgia
112 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
-The brightest future will always be based on the forgotten past
- It takes who you are and where you've been to make the person you are today
-As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person
-To learn to succeed, you must first learn to fail

I got a feeling
I got a feeling I'm disappearing
'Cause you don't see me
You don't see me anymore
I can see you
I can see you all the time
But the question is can you see me?

And that's kind of the way I'm feeling
'Cause I think that I'm disappearing
Striving trying to make you see me

Ghosts are coming
The sound of sorrow going through my soul
Like suicide penetrating through my mind
I got ran over
I got ran over from your fears
I was drowning
I was drowning from your tears
I feel like I'm drowning in the ocean
'Cause you always kick me when I'm down

And that's kind of the way I'm feeling
'Cause I think that I'm disappearing
Striving to make you see me

Well you don't see me
You don't see me anymore
You don't love me
And you never did
You don't care for me like I do for you
Well now I don't want you
I don't need you anymore
Just gotta let you know
That I'll be free as soon as you walk out that door
I'm sick of all the miss communication
I'm done with all our empty conversations
Well I just gotta let you know
That I can see you
But the question is can you see me?
Yes the question is can you see me?

But the one thing I'm fearing
Is that I'm disappearing
How can I start believing
When you don't even know I'm there

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