My Love - Kekoa | Teen Ink

My Love - Kekoa

June 5, 2024
By Kekoaaaa BRONZE, North Hollywood, California
Kekoaaaa BRONZE, North Hollywood, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

8bit games

My love my love

Spend my life in the arcade

My love my love oh oo oo oo

Bottom bunk

My love my love

I ain’t got much save for what’s enough

My love my love

Circus string lights

Red propane

My love My love

My room’s engulfed in flames

And God the silhouette on you looks great

Your skins glowing

Your eyes on fire

You’re the type to turn an honest man into a liar

Now I’m a liar

inching through the castles

Losing us astray

It’s a miracle your prom dress stayed the same (you’re my princess)

Effervescent beauty sourced straight from the fountain

Chiseled by a feather

You’re as soft as comfort is pain

My love, my love, my love

My love

My love

My love

My love

I saw a train in my dreams

We had tickets you and me

You flinched as the conductor screamed

All aboard and we boarded you and me

Chugging along the tracks

We had one way tickets

The compartment was small but we fit together

Chest to chest not back to back

Lips to lips

Not front to back

It’s just a kiss where’s the harm in that

But only if you say it’s not that bad after all 

All aboard

It’s time for a trip down memory lane

No glass cases to separate us

Only ourselves

We’re past the point of breaking

But our shatters form mosaics

Why don’t we

Revisit what we had

Not act it out, not relive the passion

But spare the regret

I believe it’s possible to live with yourself in the same room as others manage to 

My lost love

I believe it’s possible to live with yourself in the same room as others who say it’s impractical

Nobody was ever saved by starving alone

Nobody was ever praised by God to fold

My God, my lost love

My God, my lost love, oh

I’ll forever remember you, whenever I’m prompted by God as a reminder of you

I’m forever in debt to you, we learned how to love each other

And now all a sudden I’m finding I’m kind of fond of myself too

The author's comments:

I'm Kekoa. I love to make music. I hope one day I can let that be my life. This is a remembrance of not just one relationship (romantic or platonic) but an amalgamation of many. It's up to interpretation because I have my own meaning of what it means to me, but it's more important that anyone else may find what it means to them, as well. I actually wrote this yesterday, as of 6/4/2024. I spent my morning before school to start it and finished it afterschool. I hope anyone who ever finds this, if they do, enjoys it. 

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