picture perfect | Teen Ink

picture perfect

September 16, 2021
By pxnkii SILVER, Palo Alto, California
pxnkii SILVER, Palo Alto, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"though she be but little, she be fierce" - midsummer nights dream

i’m not an image of perfection 

but why can’t love be blind 

all i want is some of your affection 

some attention from that beautiful smile 


but she’s not just a pretty face 

she’s mean she lies right to your face 

has she even said i love you 

why can’t you just recognize 

find out who you are inside 

the person that knows no one can love you 

like i do 


why don’t i look like she does 

why can’t i just be worth it  

i feel so bad but its all because 

i’m not that picture perfect 

to you


i know i’m not a dream 

but she’s just a nightmare 

and if you wake up you can see 

that for me this was never fair 


but she’s not just a pretty face 

she’s mean she lies right to your face 

i bet she hasn’t said i love you 

why can’t you just recognize 

who you really are inside 

the person that knows no one can love you 

like i do 


why don’t i look like she does 

why can’t i just be worth it  

i feel so bad but its all because 

i’m not that picture perfect 

to you 


i know i’m not an image of perfection 

i know that love can’t ever be blind 

but all i want is some of your affection 

some attention from that beautiful smile 

The author's comments:

idk i have no clue 

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