Experiences for Change | Teen Ink

Experiences for Change

April 7, 2013
By tracey delgado SILVER, South Gate, California
tracey delgado SILVER, South Gate, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Experience regrets,
Experience life threats.

Don't let fatigue get in our way,
For death can only end your day.

Shame, you cant take it and claim,
Name, is what you want for fame.

No, perfect doesn't exist,
Not even if correct can insist.

But if you want a change
Make sure to rearrange

your uncourageous thoughts
and bring back the you that once fought.

For change may come your way
Only if you take charge
And start today.

The author's comments:
Take experiences and regrets as a gift, because without it you wouldn't learn the true meaning of life and how valuable it is.

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