Curly Fries | Teen Ink

Curly Fries

March 13, 2013
By Ryan Lerro BRONZE, Sellersville, Pennsylvania
Ryan Lerro BRONZE, Sellersville, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Heaven on Earth, is what they say,

My eyes mistake me, for there can be no way

That I just saw a curly fry today.

Managers say they just came out.

That makes me tingly, and I want to shout,

“How could this dreadful food linger about?!”

Get in line, I have to have one.

I tell myself, “There will be no making fun.”

Another one bites the dust, his order is done.

That leaves me next in line,

For it is just a matter of time.

I step up to the counter, it smells like pine.

My mouth opens, but I cannot speak!

My whole entire world has gone bleak!

This it IT!!! I’ve hit my peak.

I walk out of line, and open the door,

Then I spot it! On the floor,

A single curly fry, with a note that reads ‘GALORE.’

Its presence infuriates me!

It burns me! It pains me!

It feels like I’ve been stung by a bee.

I study it, it for sure was not hollow.

All of this stress was making me quite wallow.

I calm myself, and take a swallow.

I bring it up to my mouth again for a second bite.

I scream, shout, and shriek in fright!

It seems as if this curly fry was winning the fight!

As I remember swallowing, I look back on that day,

I give myself a quick hooray!

I ended up going the right way,

Eating that curly fry, that day.

The author's comments:
It is........ LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

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