Opposite Yin and Yang | Teen Ink

Opposite Yin and Yang

January 17, 2012
By Wangitang BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
Wangitang BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

He has a head full of burnt cookie colored hair,
With chocolate chip eyes, deep yet fair.
A bouncy ball so fast and jumpy, not similar to humpty dumpty,
Who’s cooler and slicker than frozen ice,
A funny joker who’s decently quite nice.
My Asian buddy who’s got my back,
My sword and shield when I’m under attack.
A wise, powerful dragon with a mind so bright,
Also the friendly, loyal knight with justice’s might.
He’s confident yet humble after a win,
He’s the joyful day, the unfading light, a half of me, my Yin.
She’s the comforting night, the soothing dark, a half of me, my Yang,
She’s popular yet down to earth even with her gang.
Also the feisty, cute kitten with dream’s desire,
A beautiful, majestic phoenix with an undying fire.
My North Star and shining moon when I lose hope,
My kind friend who helps me cope.
An assertive girl who’s bitter sweet,
Who’s hotter and stronger than a volcano’s heat.
An elegant silk so smooth and wavy, not even rough or denim navy,
With ocean spray eyes, shallow yet full of care,
She has a head of golden sunshine hair.

The author's comments:
My best friends XD. A school assignment. Using yin-yang idea.

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