Inside Me | Teen Ink

Inside Me

October 1, 2011
By Anonymous

Inside me are sleeping demons.
Silently, they are dreaming.
But say the word, and they awake.
Mad as hell, my mind they take.

Inside me is my own hell.
Where a hundred hopes have fell.
Now, broken down, they are crushed.
All the whispers of hope are hushed.

Inside me is a broken heart.
pierced by a fiery dart.
Soon, I suppose, my heart will heal.
Until then, what do I feel?

Inside me is a fighting soul,
It burns like a fiery coal.
and, like a voice in my chest:
"No rest, until you're the best."

The author's comments:
Just a little poem I wrote. my tenth poem, and the best I wrote so far, I think.

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