Limerick Roll | Teen Ink

Limerick Roll

April 22, 2021
By Jac8ateApple BRONZE, Taylorsville, Utah
Jac8ateApple BRONZE, Taylorsville, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination." (Sanderson). It is from, The Way of Kings, by Brandon Sanderson.

I check my mail to see what’s there, s’not safe
I click box in, I don’t know why, but worry
I blink my eyes and click the link, I chafe
My eyes, they hurt, oh no, please stop, hurry

The page it starts to load, the woe begins
I start to comprehend this mess, oh boy
Adrenaline begins to pump, head spins
The screen colors, the sound I hear, act coi

Pretend this is not so, that I may be
I pause, the song, the joy I feel, beauty
Why had I been so scared, it speaks to me
Such grace, such poise, a masterpiece, truly

Alas, what fun, I love Rick Astley’s song
He speaks of truth, of right --quite right-- and wrong.

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