Water | Teen Ink


January 9, 2020
By frescor23 BRONZE, West Chester, Pennsylvania
frescor23 BRONZE, West Chester, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sun keeps getting hotter and hotter

So all I want is some water

But then I went to the well

And rang the bell

The only thing I found was my daughter

She told me there was an old man

Who was stronger than a van

That can run to the hills

And makes tons of bills

To get the water for the clan

Everyone in the village was very glad

They drank it faster than they can add

Although there was a big storm

That killed a whole swarm

Which left everyone feeling sad

The author's comments:

I am I student at Unionville Highschool and like to play soccer and basketball as well as hang out with friends.

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