Broken Society | Teen Ink

Broken Society

May 17, 2018
By Mleers BRONZE, North Barrington, Illinois
Mleers BRONZE, North Barrington, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The evil wind went
Passed the desperate bodies
Through the dying city

Dirt covered the roads
Sickness filled all the people
Checkbooks always blank

Rust covered the trees
Money thrived in deep pockets
Money chose money

Needle and thread work
To fix the shallow pockets
Money is still absent

The rich didn’t care
Their gold bangles still sparkled
Their lives still pristine

Invisible walls
Divided society
Why do the walls grow?

If no one stops this
The wind will only pass by
The rusty gold bangle

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because I feel poverty and the seperation in society is becoming a big issue and I'm hoping this poem will get people to think more about their actions. 

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