Nature Love | Teen Ink

Nature Love

December 19, 2019
By Anonymous

Poem 1

The tree branch moves slowly

Rain drops dripping down the tree

What a rainy day 


Poem 10 

The bright roses glow

Like a diamond on a ring

On the sunny day 

Poem 2

The flowers spread out 

Welcoming this amazing life

With great scenting smell 


Poem 9 

Flowers, oceans, and sky 

All nature welcomes the world

Giving perfect views

Poem 3

All my heart desires is your happiness

Diving into your eyes letting you know how special you are 

Reminiscing about the times I cared and watched over you

Imagining how every moment will be cherished 

And even though life hits you,

Never give up on what God has in store for you.

All my heart desires is your happiness my dear sister


Poem 8

Music is everything to me

It makes me feel good and happy 

It helps me release my emotions

And it is a total stress reliever

Very calming and relaxing 

Relaxes my mind  while overthinking 

Helps me keep up doing chores

It is a reliever to a sad heart

Helps me learn better

Powers up my work out

Helps me see the world differently 

It is music therapy to my brain

Music is my life and makes my life the best

I can rely on it when I am feeling down 



Poem 4

There was once a guy that made me happy 

Who put up with mood swings and petty

And stayed forever 

Till the end together

Smiling and laughing but ever unhappy


Poem 7

Floating in the sky

I see the fluffy white clouds 

Fluffy clouds are big



Poem 5

Gone, but never forgotten 

Rest upon the stars

My bright and loving soul


Poem 6

The sweating lilacs

Shining brightly from the sun 

Fill the breeze with scent

The author's comments:

I really loved working on this piece because I love nature. 

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