How to put yourself in a coma | Teen Ink

How to put yourself in a coma

May 22, 2018
By noah klockow SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
noah klockow SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A giant slab of brick wall
A sprinkle of stupidity
A 45 degree hill
An mile long slip and slide
A truck full of water or oil
A handful of idiotic friends
Sprinkles of encouragement from friends

First, plan on painfully entering a state of unconscious sleep.
Next, locate or build a brick wall that is at the bottom of a 45 degree hill (ideally a mountain) for a runway.
Then, create a mile long slip and slide (out of tarp or saran wrap)
Wet slip and with water or oil so there is less friction when sliding
Gather a bunch of idiotic friends (smart friends will talk you out of it) to help set up the runway.
Whip up a couple friends to support you and your stupid decisions.
Watch your speed! As you may be going to fast, you want to slip into a coma...not death. (no pun intended)
For best results, be diagnosed with a life long coma so you can have as much time needed to recover.

The author's comments:

This is an uncommon recipie 

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