What my team needs to hear. | Teen Ink

What my team needs to hear.

May 20, 2018
By Morgan1234 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Morgan1234 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We work hard to be better.
Practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes better.
Nobody is perfect so if we try to be perfect we will be nobody.
We will continue to work hard, listen to our coaches, listen to each other but that doesn't mean we will win every game, but we can try.
Winners are the ones who walk off the field with their head up high, knowing they gave it their all.
Winners are the ones who had fun and made memories.
RUN? was our motto this year and when we play we are all in. We run to win against our teammates, our opposing team, and most importantly ourselves. If we don’t push ourselves and want to win for ourselves then we won’t.
We play together, work together, think together, to win together. So we play as a single team not a single person.

The author's comments:

This is meant to be inspiring to my team and to let them know how much they mean to me as well as how much I believe in us. 

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