Numb in my own pain | Teen Ink

Numb in my own pain

May 14, 2018
By meredithallen BRONZE, Seary, Arkansas
meredithallen BRONZE, Seary, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Some days I wake up

Wanting to stay still

The comfort of my bed beneath me

My head emptier than air

Then I realize I have to move

Get up

Face the world 

The things it has to offer me

So many oppurtunities

But yet so many insecurities


Never enough these days

Gotta be someone your not

If school didn't have people

I'd be alright but for now

I'm gonna stay in my bed

Numb in my own insecurities

The author's comments:

I feel like these days as a teenager we feel pressured to be someone were not, and we shouldn't have to go through this alone. Everyone has their own personal ways to cope with peer pressure, bullying, and reality mine just happens to be poetry.

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