IDK what i just did | Teen Ink

IDK what i just did

May 16, 2018
By Nayeliii BRONZE, Santa Maria, California
Nayeliii BRONZE, Santa Maria, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It doesn't take a shooting star to make a wish

I have said and I still say

I want to go back in time

but life was still a mess

Over the years its became a slight better

Now I say 

I want to stay here

But it never changed

I'm 16, 16 years alive

can't make a change myself

but i won't like to die

I stay stuck with the things i think might work

in the end its just nothing but...

I'm about to ber a senior

I haven't decided what to do

my life is a mess I would rather just be you

(idk what i was writing)

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