hAraMbe | Teen Ink


May 11, 2018
By Morgangmiller15 BRONZE, Mandeville, Louisiana
Morgangmiller15 BRONZE, Mandeville, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

once upon a day so leery i thought to myself today feels ee(r)ie

many a day i went to the cincinnati zoo but today a boy was dragged by h(i)s shoe

i heard a scream curdling hurdling at the bottom of the cage

i told myself wow someone must be in a rage

i looked down at the bottom of the shoot wow that animal did not look like a hoot

i saw his big teeth and the child too wow that gorilla is such a brute

he dragged the child like he got roasted and turned mute

the gorilla named harambe and the child were in a dis(p)ute

animal control showed up and tried to (h)andle harambe

but inste(a)d they turned him into sorbet

many people we(r)e in dismay

and then my friend harambe said good d(a)y

after i felt as though it was doo(m)sday

i truly wished harambe would (b)e here to stay

i went to cincinnati zoo thinking it would just be another day

too bad the child had to br(e)akaway

rest in peace harambe

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