The Forgotten One | Teen Ink

The Forgotten One

April 6, 2018
By Haylen BRONZE, Hesperus, Colorado
Haylen BRONZE, Hesperus, Colorado
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Brave doesn’t mean you’re not scared. It means you keep going even though you’re scared.”

-Angie Thomas

She is the one that sits and stares, 

Who has her mind in the stars.

She is the one who does for others,

Who does her work late at night.

She is the social butterfly, the one who always smiles, 

Who waits until night to cry.

"Do this," she's told - "Do that,"

"But why?" she asks - "But why?"

She is the one who dreams and trys, 

The one who doesn't stop.

She is the one who prays for everyone, 

The one who cares no matter what.

She is the one who gives and gives till nothing is left,

The one who can only give so much.

"What if?" she thinks - "What if?" she wonders,

"Why not?" she cries - "Why not?" she sobs. 

She is the one who helps untill she can't anymore,

The one who forgets herself. 

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