The girl you once called mine | Teen Ink

The girl you once called mine

March 4, 2018
By Mea Jenkins GOLD, Raleigh, North Carolina
Mea Jenkins GOLD, Raleigh, North Carolina
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain.

Sometimes I wonder about you
I wonder how you are
I wonder if you remember the times we had
Like singing in the car

I wonder if you think about me
Every other night
Because I think about you
More than is probably right

I remember all the good times
But I only think of the bad
Because that’s the only way
To pretend it doesn’t make me sad

I say Im better without you
And you’re the one that lost
And yes it may be true
But It was my heart that it cost

I remember how you held me
I remember how we played
I remember when you told me
You promise that you’ll stay

I remember the I love you’s
And I remember every kiss
But I really cant remember
The signs that I had missed

Because there had to be a reason
I wasn’t good enough
A reason that you just left
Maybe I was just too much

Maybe it was me
Or maybe it was you
Maybe you couldn’t handle
Someone loving you

I know you never had that
And it broke you inside
But when I tried to love you
That love you said you had would subside

I don’t think you ever loved me
I don’t think you ever tried
Because if you really did
You couldn’t have sat and watched me while I cried

Even now I still look back
At everything we were
All the things I miss
It sorta becomes a blur

Sometimes I get angry
Or I’ll cry a little more
Because you never loved me
So it was easy to walk right out the door

But I still hope you’re happy
Even though I’m sad
Because the only thing I want
Is for you to have the happiness I had

So even if it’s not with me
Or a thousand other girls too
I want you to feel the love
Your parents didn’t give you

And maybe one day you won’t be so broken
And you’ll be able to love someone
And I’ll find someone too
And our story will be done

So I wish you the best
And one day i’ll be fine
Sincerely written
From the girl you once called mine

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