Sometimes | Teen Ink


March 4, 2018
By Mea Jenkins GOLD, Raleigh, North Carolina
Mea Jenkins GOLD, Raleigh, North Carolina
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain.

Sometimes it hurts a lot
Sometimes not at all
Sometimes i lay in bed
And wonder if I should call

Just to say I miss you
Or I want you back
Because all this pain inside
Is gonna give me a heart attack

At least that’s what it feels like
When it starts to hurt
And I lay in my room
Wearing your tear stained shirt

Then it’s early morning
And I still haven’t slept
But I still get up
And pretend I haven’t wept

So I just smile
And make sure everyone’s okay
And when they ask me I lie
But they believe everything I say

And when someone is sad
I hold them while they cry
And tell them it’s okay
And that they have to try

To love every person
And every little heart
Because when they get broken
There’s no fixing what’s been pulled apart

And after every tear
And every broken heart
There will still be sunshine
And there will still be art

So pick your head up baby
You’ve got a long way to go
Until you can rest your head
Somewhere you call home

And if you’re ever sad
And you need a friend
I’ll be there for you
And shield you from the wind

And one day you’ll be happy
But I will still be there
Because one thing about life
Is that it’s never truly fair

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