I Am From | Teen Ink

I Am From

March 1, 2018
By Hmcase GOLD, Hartland , Wisconsin
Hmcase GOLD, Hartland , Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from a family of competitors
from the Dominoes on the kitchen table
to the fields of grass and the concrete courts.
I’m from the crickets and pines of the outdoors
from tents and campfires
to sitting on a beanbag playing Nintendo.
I’m from the reality of “tough s***”
from the discipline of chores
to the innocent voice of “you are my sunshine.”

I’m from the slamming of doors
from arguments, fights, and roasts
to a night of jokes.
I’m from pee wee flag football Saturdays
from morning workouts
to Friday night lights.
I’m from weekend parties
from losing my voice and sweat stains
to sweeping and mopping floors at Subway.

I’m from Sunday morning praises
from Bible verses and crafts
to mission trips throughout the country.
I’m from the powder of my snowboard
from the bruises and wipeouts
to the rails and jumps conquered
I’m from home cooked meals
from mothers homemade meatloaf
to fathers pancake breakfasts.

The author's comments:

My family was the backbone of this poem. Family means a lot to me, so I wanted to write about them.

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