He and She | Teen Ink

He and She

March 1, 2018
By Baylei_Bicket BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
Baylei_Bicket BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Have we ever asked anyone if their world could be better?<br /> Has anyone ever asked us if our world could be better?<br /> -Baylei Bicket

Selfish, a snob
He tries to improvise in his
Chatty conversations
His voice is dazzling but intimate
He speaks with master
Lost and infinite

She tries to calculate evolution
She has wings yet slips
Disappears into high school
With her lovely voice, they appreciate it
She tell truths that are eternal

His attire is diverse
But inside his mind there is mortality
His brain like snow, but he tries
To speak
He’s… flabbergasted

Her footprint engraved
With names that are like snowfall
Yet when examined it is to be turned over
Veiling snippets of
Her life

He is selfish and personal
His mind is like constellations
A mashup
His life is like a world map
Stuck in a city
With comments that have forces
He goes to comment
But there are many viewpoints

She tries to represent
Be oppressive
Talks about laborers
Veterans and generations
Along with the economic world around her

He is narrative
With a point of view
It divides into a protest
Then war, culminating

She celebrates with
Board by board, nail by nail
Building bridges
Yet is seems to not appear
She fought for her descendants
To make their stories repeat

He has a brother
Who compares newspapers
With personal memories
Difficulties and traumatic stress
He shows his private disorder
And gets support

He is saved
She is saved

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