The Scared One | Teen Ink

The Scared One

March 1, 2018
By Baylei_Bicket BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
Baylei_Bicket BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Have we ever asked anyone if their world could be better?<br /> Has anyone ever asked us if our world could be better?<br /> -Baylei Bicket

Inside her bedroom with the door closed
Trying to ignore the screaming and yelling
Holding her ears
Trying to block it out

A tear ran down her face
She wiped it away
More tears start to stream down her face
She tries to stop crying but can’t

Her brother is in the next room
She doesn’t know if he is crying or yelling as well
She opens the door to see whats happening
Then she see’s why there is screaming and yelling

Her dad is holding a beer in his right hand
While a fist is in his left
Her mom trying not to hit him
But yelling with tears running down her face

Her brother is just sitting there
On the couch
Watching tv like normal
Not knowing what is going on

She closes the door
And just sits there on the floor
Thinking of what to do before something happens
She closes her eyes

She opens her eyes
They are still screaming and yelling
She looks at her clock
5 minutes have gone by
She opens her door
And walks out

She stands in front of her parents
They are still yelling
Not knowing she is there
She yells
They both go quiet
And they look at her
She starts to talk
10 minutes go by
Everything is quiet
She is quiet with tears down her face

Her mom takes the beer out of her dad's hand
Both of their fists loosen
Her brother watches from a distance
Quiet, not knowing what to say
She goes back to her room
But keeps the door cracked

As she looks out of the crack in her door
She see’s her dad walk back to the fridge and grab something
She hopes it’s not what she thinks
But sadly it is
Another beer to slowly make him forget what he has said and done

She closes the door
Turns out the light and walks to her bed
She puts the blanket over her head
Tears running down her face
She closes her eyes
And dreams of a better tomorrow

The author's comments:

I wrote this peice in my english class, my teacher told us to write about some one in our life said not to include the name of the person and keep it hidden. This is about one of my friends.

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