Ode to Music | Teen Ink

Ode to Music

February 13, 2018
By Ns1703 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Ns1703 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You wake me every morning, and
serenade me to sleep every night.

You’ve been there for me through
thick and thin. You gave me comfort
when nothing else could.

I take you with me every
where I go, you know me better
than anyone ever could.

You’ve seen me at my worse.
Through my athlete phase my
girly phase even my emo phase.

You’ve been my therapist for years
and were not done yet. I still need
You, I’m not done growing yet.

You depend on me to take you
everywhere I go, but I can’t make
that promise to you.
Because soon
you will drain out and there will be
nothing left for me to remember you
We may no longer be together but
one day I will reach for you again
and you will be waiting patiently like

The author's comments:

I like to think that everyone has that special something to keep them going. For me thats music and for someone else it could be dance or art. I just want people to read my piece and find what makes them breath easier.

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