A Good Run | Teen Ink

A Good Run

December 11, 2017
By Kimdee SILVER, Salem, Missouri
Kimdee SILVER, Salem, Missouri
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My muscles burn
as I warm up
and stretch.
I kneel down
To check my laces.
Then I bring my toes
up so they touch the line,
and I start running,
my feet slapping the blue track,
a beat that keeps me in step.

One lap down,
three to go.

My feet hit
the textured track,
the beat continues.

Two laps down,
two to go.

Blood warms my body
as it courses through me.

Three laps down,
one to go.

Icy fire slides
down my throat
as I gulp in air.

Lap four now complete,
my feet slow to a walk.

My run is over.

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