Technique Poem | Teen Ink

Technique Poem

December 1, 2017
By ColeButzlaff BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
ColeButzlaff BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On a odd october day
I was sitting at home when “THUMP”
A robin flies as fast as lighting right into our living room window
Without hesitating I jump up and go outside
The bird is dead lying limp on the rocks below my window
I pick it up to get rid of it, but no
Warm in my as if its heart was still beating
But yet no heart beat
I wonder where the robin was going
I wonder why it flew into the window
Did it see food in my house and was salivating out on a branch looking in
Now everytime I look at that window
I remember that bird that flew right into it
As if he were trying to get in
Maybe The robin was furious because he could not get in
Or he was being attacked by a bigger bird
Not looking where he was flying until it was too late

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