A Piece of Me | Teen Ink

A Piece of Me

December 1, 2017
By olivianylen BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
olivianylen BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You are the tight embrace

That surrounds me on a gloomy day.
You are the open ears
To my childish rants
When friends get distant.
You are the empty stomach
That always gets filled
With trips to
Culver’s or Panda Express.
You are the heavy blankets
That surround us
As we binge watch Stranger Things.

You are the booming laughter
And the senseless jokes
That make me question
My intelligence.
You are the comforting hands
That squeeze me tight
When my mother is ruthless.
You are the blunt opinion
That tells me how
I should really be treated.
You are the “Did you make it home safe?” text
That constantly reassures me that you care.

You are the one that
I can always count on.
You are not only
The closest person to me,
You are a piece of my happiness.

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